Lough Neagh contains an abundance of fish; salmon, trout, eel, dollaghan, perch and pollan are most commonly caught but others such as bream, rudd, pike and gudgeon are also to be found, and fishing has been one of the primary industries associated with the Lough. Pollan was once the important catch and at the turn of the last century over 500 boats were engaged in this fishery, but it went into decline after WWII. The principal fishery today is the eel fishery. In the 18th and 19th centuries vast quantities were caught in the weirs of the Lower Bann at Toome and sold in the neighbouring markets for a high price. They are still caught in the weirs at Toome and the Cutts, and by local fishermen from boats on the Lough itself. Unfortunately the eel no longer appeals to the local market and they are instead sold in the London and Dutch markets, transported there via oxygenated tanks. (Image: Eel fishery at Toome)