Peatlands Park

We invite you to come and explore Peatlands Park . This extensive park has a wilderness appeal. It is situated near the shores of Lough Neagh just off the MI at exit 13 south of Dungannon.

We invite you to come and explore Peatlands Park . This extensive park has a wilderness appeal. It is situated near the shores of Lough Neagh just off the MI at exit 13 south of Dungannon. The Park provides a unique opportunity to experience both peatland and woodland habitats and their wildlife. It also offers visitors tranquil walks through peatlands, woodland and traditional orchards, with a bog garden viewed from boardwalks where features include insect-eating plants. The Park is home to a wide range of wildlife including meadow pipits and cuckoos, and many types of insects, particularly butterflies, moths, dragonflies and damselflies. Many woodland and wetland birds and several species of waterfowl nest here. Red and grey squirrels, badgers and hares are also present, while lizards and newts can be found in the open bog areas.

Within the Park are two National Nature Reserves, which have unique flora and fauna species, many of which are found nowhere else in Northern Ireland. Annagarriff (meaning rough bog) is a 77 hectare reserve comprising wooded drumlin hills separated by areas of regenerating cut-over bog. Mullenakill (meaning church on the hill) is a 22 hectare uncut remnant of a much more extensive bog which has been growing here for over 8,000 years and is around 9m deep.

* Please note the park and visitor facilities will be closed on 25 December.

Facilities include;
Visitor Centre
Picnic areas
Refreshment vending machines
Woodland play area
Designated Parking
Parking / Ecar charging
Motability scooters for hire
Toilets: Toilets are available daily in the courtyard from 09.00 to 17.00.

Walks – Peatland, woodland, lake and orchard.
Bog Garden.

The Peatlands Park Railway is in operation on weekends and Public Holidays from Easter Sunday through to 31 August 2017 from 13:00 to 16:00.
Tickets are available at the train platform:
Adults – £2
Children 5 to 16 – £1
Children under 5 – free
Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children) £5

Details of accessible park routes can be obtained from our local staff.

We hope you have an enjoyable positive experience at Peatlands Park. If so, you may enjoy visiting our other properties which include: Brackagh Bog Nature Reserve near Portadown and Castle Archdale Country Park near Irvinestown, Fermanagh.

If you would like to provide us with your comments, feedback or ideas for improvement please contact us at: