Date: 22nd June
Venue: Oxford Island
Price: £5 for Adults, £3 Children
MARVELLOUS MOTHS AND GLORIOUS GREBES Oxford Island Enjoy a leisurely stroll through the nature reserve at the height of summer and observe the Great Crested Grebes and their young from Kinnego Hide.
Discover some of the wonderful nocturnal insects that inhabit the reserve as we open the moth traps which have been set the previous night. We always look forward to finding a diverse range of these colourful and fascinating insects.
This informal walk is suitable for adults and children over the age of 7 years. £5.00 for adults, £3.00 for children.
Booking essential – Contact Lough Neagh Discovery Centre on 028 3832 2205.
To find out more about Marvellous Moths Glorious Grebes, visit: Oxford Island