Opening Times: Open all year round (free access)
Contact Details: Antrim Borough Council Tel: 028 9446 3113
Getting There: There are 2 ways to access the Glen from Crumlin village. Crumlin Glen is sign posted on Nutt’s Corner Road, just before the railway bridge, as visitors head out of the town. There is also another entrance off Cidercourt Road in the centre of the village.
Site Description
The Crumlin River carves is way through a short but deep glen here as it approaches the waters of Lough Neagh. The town of Crumlin takes its name from this small, winding valley and is derived form the Irish “Cromghlinn” meaning “Crooked Glen”. A picnic area, car parking and toilet facilities are situated next to the start of the riverside and woodland walk, which leads to a waterfall and Cockle House. The Cockle House is a little gothic-arched rubble stoned building and, according to folklore, was built facing Mecca as a Muslim temple for the landowner’s servant. Visitors should be aware that paths in Crumlin Glen are steep and narrow in places. Angling is a popular activity and angling stands for people with disabilities are available adjacent to the car park.
The site consists of a mixed broad-leaved woodland and in spring the woodland floor is carpeted with a mix of bluebells, wood anemone and wild garlic.Flowing through the reserve is the Crumlin River. The total area of land that is drained into the Lough via its river and streams is about 4,453 square km. All the major rivers, and many of the smaller tributaries within the Lough Neagh Wetlands, contain populations of Atlantic salmon, river brown trout and dollaghan trout. These rivers are designated as Salmonid Rivers in accordance with the EU Fish Directive and support valuable recreational and commer-cial fisheries for these species. Many Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are translocated through the driving force of water to the main body of the Lough itself.
The Kingfisher frequents all the rivers and streams in the Lough Neagh Wetlands. The presence of this species is a very good indicator of the quality of rivers and streams. Other birds include dippers, Grey wagtails & sand martins; that are associated with rivers and streams that have steep sandy banks in the Lough Neagh Wetlands. Otters are a Northern Ireland Priority Species that lives along rivers and streams in the Lough Neagh Wetlands. The Daubenton’s Bat, also known as Water Bat because it opportunistically feeds close to water, is thought to be relatively common and fairly widespread in the Lough Neagh Wetlands. The woods at the reserve are the habitat of many land based mammals, among them fox, badger, rabbit, and grey squirrel.
- There is a carpark and picnic area.